
Assistant for Government (Aspem) of the Central Jakarta City Government, Denny Ramdany, has threatened not to hesitate to revoke the Jakarta Smart Card (KJP) for students caught buying or consuming liquor (Miras).

"If it is found that KJP students will be revoked if there are students caught, they want to buy or consume alcohol," Denny told reporters, Tuesday, August 22.

Denny said that his party received information that the place to buy alcohol in Cempaka Putih was suspected by students. Denny will also call the Head of the Regional Education Sub-dept. (Kasudin) Region 1 to carry out surveillance.

"With this summons, we hope that teachers and school principals will remind students not to consume alcohol. If students find them buying or drinking alcohol, we will immediately withdraw the KJP," he said.

Previously, the Central Jakarta City Government closed a grocery store selling liquor (Miras) without a permit on Jalan Cempaka Raya, RT 11 RW 02, Cempaka Putih, Central Jakarta.

Head of RW 02, West Cempaka Putih Village, Muhamad Darda, confirmed that shops that were closed by officers did sell alcohol. Buyers who like to buy alcohol ranging from residents, traders to students.

"There are quite a lot of buyers of alcohol here. Actually, traders have been selling alcohol for a long time and buyers start from residents, traders and students," he said.

Muhamad Darda said that his party found many students buying alcohol at the shop. The model for selling alcohol by doing alcohol is put in clear plastic and wrapped in black plastic bags.

"So what is in the plastic bag is given a straw and as if it is not alcohol," he said.

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