
JAKARTA - Celebrity Oklin Fia was reported by the management of the Indonesian Muslim student union (PB SMMI) to the Central Jakarta Metro Police Headquarters on Monday, August 14.

Head of Legal and Human Rights Division of PB SMMI Desert Arisastra said his party reported Oklin Fia because he thought the celebgram had violated religious decency and blasphemy.

"He makes content on social media wearing a headscarf, kissing ice cream while sitting in front of a man's genitals is outrageous. We consider his actions as social assistance (social massage) cheap," the Desert told reporters, Wednesday, August 16.

The Desert said this incident had the potential to violate decency and blasphemy against religion, because this hijab is an identity of Islam.

According to the Desert, Oklin's actions were not civilized. In his report, he also submitted evidence, namely Oklin's video.

He hopes that the Central Jakarta Metro Police will immediately follow up on his report against Oklin Fia. The Desert reported Oklin on Article 27 paragraph 1 in conjunction with Article 45 Paragraph 1 of the ITE Law.

"We want this case to be resolved and fast. We hope that the Central Jakarta Police will immediately examine the reported person Oklin Fia and determine her as a suspect," he said.

Meanwhile, the Head of Crime Investigation Unit of the Central Jakarta Metro Police, Iptu Diaz Yudistira, said that his party would invite ITE experts and criminal experts to help investigate the report from the Executive Board of the Indonesian Muslim Student Union (PB SMMI).

"After the information from the reporter, maybe we will try to find other witnesses for questioning. One of them is an ITE expert and a criminal expert, we will ask for opinions," Diaz said when contacted, Wednesday, August 16.

The Desert reported Oklin on Article 27 paragraph 1 in conjunction with Article 45 Paragraph 1 of the ITE Law with report number (LP) LP/B/2020/VIII/2023/SPKT/POLRES METRO JAKPUS/POLDA METRO JAYA.

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