
JAKARTA - A pair of teenagers became victims of a robbery on Majapahit Street, in front of the State Palace, Petojo Selatan Village, Gambir District, Central Jakarta on Wednesday, August 16. The perpetrator managed to take away a cell phone belonging to the victim.

From the statement of Muhamad Iqbal (24), one of the victims, when the mugging occurred he was passing at the scene.

"At that time my friend and I were crossing the road from the direction of Harmoni to the National Monument (Monas)," Iqbal said when contacted by reporters, Wednesday, August 16.

Iqbal said that at that time he was with his friend, Nadya Hutagalung (21). At first at that time he and Nadya were in a vehicle driven by Iqbal while talking at a red light.

"During the green light, my vehicle was speeding up. So at that time there happened to be a call to the number of friends I was riding. When I checked the cellphone for a while, I immediately grabbed it," he said.

Iqbal explained that the motorbike he was driving had shake due to the cellphone being snatched. The snatchers also tried to snatch other motorists but were unsuccessful.

"When I snatched it, I immediately chased it. I chased it past Monas, but the whereabouts of the perpetrator disappeared when he arrived at Monas," he said.

Iqbal said he had also made a report to the Gambir Metro Police. The victim said the characteristics of the perpetrators were wearing black ninja motorbikes and black switer jackets.

Meanwhile, the Gambir Metro Police Chief, Kompol Mugia Yarry Junanda, said that his party would check and follow up on the case.

"We first check the report," he told reporters.

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