
The Bengkalis Resort Police, Riau, released Robert Herry Son (22), a suspect in the harassment of the Red and White flag by inserting it on the neck of a dog at a palm oil factory of PT SAS, Muara Basung Village, Pinggir District, Bengkalis, through restorative justice.

"We take the RJ (restorative justice) step because the reporter has withdrawn his report and peace has been carried out between the reporter and the reported party and has signed an agreement," said Bengkalis Police Chief AKBP Setyo Bimo Anggoro, quoted by ANTARA, Wednesday, August 16.

The police chief said that this law enforcement was carried out not at the urging of the community, community organizations and various other elements, but purely on the basis of carrying out the functions of the investigation.

Regarding the polemic of evidence obtained were the Red and White flag measuring 13x19 centimeters, the Police Chief said it refers to Law Number 24 of 2009 of the Flag, Language, and State Emblem, as well as the National Anthem. Article 4 of the law regulates criteria regarding flags related to size, shape and color.

According to the Police Chief, the size of the evidence can be said to be a form of the Red and White flag.

"If it is used as an accessory or as a ribbon, of course the treatment is different, like what we are currently wearing is overhead because the size is different as stipulated in the law," he said.

In conducting an investigation, added Setyo, his party has asked for information from three experts, namely criminal experts, state administration and cultural observers.

"Based on the considerations of the three experts, the actions committed by Robert Herry Son by draping the Red and White flag on the dog's neck are a form of humiliation and are also supported by other evidence. Based on this fact and sufficient evidence, Robert was named a suspect for violating Article 66 of the Republic of Indonesia Law Number 24 of 2009," he said.

Even though in its function of law enforcement, the Police Chief emphasized that his party still prioritizes the resolution of the case in a persuasive manner because law enforcement is the last resort.

His party has also conveyed to community leaders, NGOs, and mass organizations that the suspect has expressed regret and admitted his mistake by apologizing to all Indonesian people.

"Of course, as good citizens and in this Malay land, we convey persuasive actions and can accept apologies from the suspect. In the future, this case will be a lesson for all of us to maintain national values and patriotism and not injure the love for the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia," he said.

With this incident, continued the Police Chief, the public should be able to take lessons and eliminate all developing issues related to SARA.

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