
JAKARTA - The Ministry of Environment and Forestry (KLHK) invites the public to change its low-emission lifestyle in order to improve air quality in urban areas. Director General of Pollution Control and Environmental Damage of the Ministry of Environment Sigit Reliantoro said the main causes of urban air pollution as a result of conventional oil-fuel motorized vehicle users. "Change lifestyles are important in urban areas," he said in a discussion in Jakarta, Sunday, quoted by Antara Sigit explaining that developed countries have a lifestyle that places footways on the highest hierarchy, then cycling, rides public transportation, and uses electric vehicles. According to him, the lifestyle of developed countries in moving is not only good for air quality, but also good for body health. "The most important thing in the concept of transportation is how to increase people's displacement, not increasing vehicle displacement, so that vehicle efficiency is very important," said Sigit. In 2020, Bloomberg Philanthopics and Vital Strategies published an inventory report on air pollution emissions in Jakarta. The composition of using fuel based on types is 49 percent oil, 51 percent gas, 51 percent, and coal 0.42 percent. Meanwhile, the composition of fuel use based on the sector is mostly used by transportation with numbers reaching 44 percent, energy industries 31 percent, housing 14 percent, 10 percent, and commercial manufacturing. 10 percent. "From that data it can be seen that transportation becomes an important element. This informs the theory of why street canyons are mostly due to transportation activity," said Sigit. Mid-Canyon phenomena in urban areas make air pollution trapped on the surface because the wind is blocked by high-rise buildings. This is what causes urban air quality measurement results to always show poor numbers for human health. If air quality index gauge sensors are mounted on building walls, then the tool does not describe ambiguous air conditions but actually describes the air conditions of the location alone.

Lebih lanjut Sigit menyampaikan bila kendaraan hanya dipakai dua orang, maka emisi kendaraan yang dihasilkan jauh lebih tinggi dibandingkan kendaraan umum yang dipakai bersama.Ia mencontohkan bahwa Jepang disebut negara maju paling efisien karena sebagian besar penduduknya jalan kaki, naik sepeda, dan naik kereta."Sekarang Jakarta sudah mulai membangun berbagai fasilitas publik, seperti pedestrian, jalur sepeda, transportasi diperbaiki, bahkan Jaklingko masuk sampai ke dalam (gang). Kita semua harus menggunakan fasilitas-fasilitas itu untuk menjadi budaya negara maju," pungkas Sigit.

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