
YOGYAKARTA - The following is Guntur Romli's full profile, a former PSI politician who decided to resign after seeing the presence of his party's closeness with Prabowo Subianto.

Although the decision to leave PSI was considered difficult, Guntur Romli always believed and decided to leave the party.

This is because for his confession, Guntur Romli said that he did not have time to be informed about Prabowo's arrival to the PSI DPP.

Moreover, he was only able to read and witness the news of Prabowo's visit to the PSI DPP from the mass media.

"I didn't have time to be told, especially given an explanation by friends from the PSI Management regarding Prabowo's arrival, both before and after. So I can only read and watch in the media," said Guntur Romli.

"I was very surprised, because I still remember January 2019, PSI had distributed the Lies Award Terlebay to Prabowo Subianto because it resulted in the RSCM blood washing tube segment being used repeatedly up to 40 patients, and was immediately denied by the Director of RSCM at that time," he continued.

Then who is Guntur Romli who currently decides to leave PSI? The following is his full profile and biodata.

Guntur Romli was born in Situbondo, East Java, on March 17, 1978.

Guntur was born to a mother named Jh Sri Sangkawa Ningsih, a teacher and father named KH Achmad Zaini Romli who was the caretaker of the Darul Aitam Arromli Islamic Boarding School, Janger, Situbondo.

The man, who is known as the General Chair of Ganjarianhaid, received education at the Al Amien Islamic Boarding School or PTA as well as the Islamic Science College or STIDA Al Amien Faculty of Tarbiyah.

Then, he got a scholarship and advanced his education at Al Azhar University, Cairo, Egypt.

Not only was he active in studying, when he was in Egypt, he was also a Korespondent of Panji Magazine for Middle Eastern Communities and North Africa from 2002 to 2002 as well as a Journalist of the Middle East Regional GATRA Weekly Magazine and North Africa from 2002 to 2004.

Not only known as a politician, Guntur is also a writer, as well as an activist.

His expertise as a writer made him produce some novels entitled:

a.' Ustadz, I'm Already in Heaven' (Common Conclusion), Issuance of Kata Kita Jakarta, 2007

b. Muslim Feminis: Polemic of Resignation and Islamic Awakening, Issuance of Freedom Institute, Jakarta, 2010 which is the dowry of his marriage to Nong Darol Mahmada

c. 'Syahadat Cinta Rabiah al- Adawiyah', Publisher of Rehal Pustaka, Jakarta, 2011

d. Islam Without Discrimination, Strengthening Islam That Is Rahmatan Lil Alamin, Publisher Of Rehal Pustaka, Jakarta, 2013

e.' Islam Kita Islam Nusantara' (e-book), Ciputat School, Jakarta, 2015

f.' Risalah Ramadhan, Fasting and Eid Al-Fitr' (e-book, joint writing), Digiumm Jakarta, 2016.

In 2005, Guntur Romli also actively joined the Arts and Culture community of Utan Kayu.

He was also said as the founder of the Indonesian Animal Guard or GSI organization in 2012.

Biodata Guntur Romli

Here's the full bioGuntur Romise:

Full name: MohamadGuntur Romli

Place, date of birth: Situbondo, East Java, March 17, 1978

Age: 45 years

Religion: Islam

Education: Al-Azhar University

Wife: Nong Darol Mahmada

Instagram: @gunromli

Twitter: @GunRomli

That's Guntur Romli's profile, which is currently being discussed after leaving PSI because Prabowo.

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