
JAKARTA - The Attorney General's Office (AGO) is still waiting for a copy of Ferdy Sambo's cassation decision in the premeditated murder case of Brigadier Yosua Nofriansyah Hutabarat. This document from the Supreme Court (MA) is important to execute the former Propam Head of Division to the prison.

"Because the execution, if it is incomplete, will not be accepted by the correctional facility, he is worried," said the Head of the Attorney General's Office, Ketut Sumedana, to reporters at the AGO, South Jakarta, Wednesday, August 9.

This execution is confirmed by the AGO to be carried out after a copy of the decision is received. This also applies to Ferdy's wife, Putri Candrawathi and her two subordinates, Ricky Rizal and Strong Ma'ruf.

"Yes, of course it will be executed. It is impossible to be ignored because one month after the decision there is an obligation for the public prosecutor to carry out the execution," he said.

Meanwhile, when asked which prison Ferdy Sambo will spend his sentence, Sumedana could not answer. "It will depend on the state prosecutor who will execute it," he said.

Ferdy Sambo who was sentenced to death received a correlation from the Supreme Court (MA). He will now serve a life sentence according to the cassation decision he filed.

The Supreme Court judge not only gave a discount to Sambo. His wife, Putri Candrawati, also reduced her sentence from 20 years in prison to 10 years.

This decision was echoed by Supreme Court Justice Suhadi and his four members, Suharto, Jupriyadi, Desnayeti, and Yohanes Priyana. Then, the penalty discount was also given to Ferdy Sambo's two subordinates, Ricky Rizal Wibowo and Strong Ma'ruf.

Ricky received a reduced sentence from 13 years to 8 years in prison. Meanwhile Strong was sentenced to 10 years in prison from 15 years.

The appeal was filed by the defendants in this case because they objected to the decision made by the South Jakarta District Court (PN) and was upheld by the DKI High Court (PT).

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