
The Panel of Judges at the Corruption Court at the Mataram District Court, West Nusa Tenggara sentenced former Head of the Babakan Health Center Raden Hendra Taurus Sandi to 6 years in prison in the corruption case of capitation funds for the 2017 to 2019 fiscal year.

"The defendant I Raden Hendra Taurus Sandi was sentenced to 6 years in prison and a fine of Rp. 300 million, subsidiary to 6 months in prison," said Chief Justice Mukhlasuddin reading the verdict at the Corruption Court at the Mataram District Court as reported by ANTARA, Tuesday, August 8.

Mukhlasuddin together with member judges Irlina and Djoko Soepriyono handed down such a criminal decision by declaring Raden Hendra and defendant Ni Wayan Yuniarti who acted as treasurers of the puskesmas have been proven to have committed a criminal act of corruption in accordance with the public prosecutor's primary indictment.

In addition to imposing a sentence, the judge sentenced Raden Hendra to pay compensation for state losses of Rp487 million from a total loss of Rp690 million.

"If the defendant does not pay the replacement money within one month after the decision has permanent legal force, then his property can be confiscated by the prosecutor and auctioned off to cover the replacement money. In the event that the defendant does not have sufficient assets to pay, he will be sentenced to imprisonment for 2 years," he said.

In addition to reading Raden Hendra's decision, the judge also sentenced Ni Wayan Yuniarti to 4 years in prison and a fine of Rp. 200 million, subsidiary to 6 months in prison.

Against Yuniarti, the judge charged a replacement money of Rp207 million. This nominal replacement money is the remaining reduction from the total state loss of Rp690 million which was previously charged to Raden Hendra in the amount of Rp487 million.

If Yuniarti does not pay the replacement money within 1 month after the decision has permanent legal force, then her property can be confiscated by the prosecutor and auctioned off to cover the replacement money.

"In the event that the defendant does not have sufficient assets to pay, he will be sentenced to imprisonment for 1 year," he said.

After hearing the verdict, the two defendants through legal counsel said they were still thinking about determining their attitude towards the decision. The same thing was conveyed by the public prosecutor against the decisions of the two defendants.

In this case, the defendant Raden Hendra, who played the role of the Head of the Babakan Health Center, was revealed to have borrowed money from the management of capitation funds.

The loan for personal gain also involved Yuniarti as treasurer who received an order to cut capitation funds for incentives for health workers at the Babakan Health Center.

Akibat adanya kegiatan yang berlangsung dalam periode 2017 sampai dengan 2019 tersebut muncul kerugian negara hasil audit BPKP dengan nilai Rp690 juta.

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