MALUKU The Presidential Staff Office views the development of a cold chain system as very much needed to strengthen the fishing industry in Maluku province. Moreover, the province, known as the country of a thousand islands, has enormous capture fisheries production potential.
Main Expert Staff of the Presidential Staff Office, Alan Koropitan, revealed capture fisheries production data in 11 districts/cities in Maluku province in 2022. Namely, 518,887 tons. Unfortunately, this potential is not balanced with the availability of strong cold chain facilities. Such as the frozen warehouse capacity, the availability of ice factories, air cargo transportation, to colded marine containers.
"Our monitoring results (KSP) are all lacking," said Alan during field verification of the construction of the fishery industry cold chain system in Maluku province, Saturday, August 5.
The cold chain system is the handling of fishing products that utilize various kinds of cooling technology. Starting from the capture, processing, to distribution. The goal is to maintain the quality of fish.
In addition to the availability of adequate facilities, according to Alan, the construction of a cold chain system also requires supporting facilities. Such as access to fuel for fishermen, and electricity for frozen warehouses. These two things are still complaints from fisheries and marine sector players. Coupled with distribution network issues," he explained.
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Finding this, Alan said the Presidential Staff Office would immediately coordinate with ministries/agencies to synchronize the regulations and implementation in the field. So that there is no gap and minimize obstacles.
"We will immediately report the results of this field verification to the Presidential Chief of Staff, to be followed up with coordination with K/L," he explained.
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