
JAKARTA - The 2023 Mohammad Husni Thamrin Journalism Award (MHT Awards) will be held on Thursday, August 24, 2023, at the City Hall Building, DKI Jakarta Provincial Government.

This event will award journalistic work related to the dynamics of development in DKI Jakarta, with the awarding of trophies and prizes to the winners of the competition. The officials of the Governor of DKI Jakarta, Heru Budi Hartono, and the invitees are expected to attend the event.

The MH Thamrin Journalism Award is held annually as a result of a collaboration between the Provincial Management of the Indonesian Journalists Association (PWI Jaya) and the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government's Communication, Information and Statistics Office (Diskominfotik).

The 49th MHT Awards in 2023 will overhaul seven categories, including text, photos, terrestrial TV videos, video TV streaming, radio, infographic, and titled. A prize of IDR 15 million will be awarded to each winner in that category, with an additional IDR 2.5 million for the two best nominations in each category. The total prize of MHT 2023 reached IDR 140 million.

More than 600 materials have been netted by the committee from 7 categories to MHT 2023. All competition material has been published on print media, portals/online, radio, and television from June 1, 2022 to May 31, 2023.

The 2023 MHT Awards jury chaired by Irmanto along with other members of the PWI Jaya Daily Management, and accompanied by Diapari Sibatangkayu, Chairman of the Provincial Honorary Council, and two people from outside the daily board, Djunaedi Tjunti Agus and Arbain Rambey, have completed their judging duties.

The chairman of the 2023 MHT Awards Committee, Tubagus Adhi, explained that the event will also award PWI Jaya Award to several figures who are considered to have excelled and make a big contribution to their duties. The previous year, the PWI Jaya Award was given to Anies Baswedan, the former Governor of DKI Jakarta 2017-2022, who was appreciated for his integrity in carrying out his duties.

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