
TANJUNGPINANG - Tanjungpinang Police thwarted the delivery of illegal Indonesian migrant workers (PMI) to Cambodia through the Sri Bintan Pura International Port (SBP) Tanjungpinang City, Riau Islands (Kepri). "They were secured when they were about to leave for Cambodia via the Tanjungpinang SBP International Port, last Tuesday," said Tanjungpinang Police Chief Kombes Heribertus Ompusung in a press conference at his office, Antara, Friday, August 4. In this case, said the Chief of Police, two perpetrators were arrested by the police, namely MGJ (male) aged 21 years and WTU (female) aged 19. In addition, three victims of illegal PMI who are residents of Tanjungpinang, each APC (female) aged 18, AF (male) aged 21, and DCS (male) aged 19 years. Heribertus said the disclosure of this case was based on the results of the coordination between the Tanjungpinang Police Satreskrim and the immigration authorities at SBP International Port. The perpetrators of MGJ and WTU acted to find and facilitate the delivery of illegal PMIs to Cambodia at the request of someone (the brain of the perpetrator) in Cambodia. "So, the mastermind of the perpetrator sent around Rp. 28 million to the two perpetrators for the cost of managing illegal PMI tickets and departures to Cambodia," he said. The three victims plan to work as admin officers for online slot gambling in Cambodia with the promised salary of around Rp. 39 million per 6 months plus a bonus of Rp. 7 million. "The three victims will be returned to their respective families," said the Police Chief. MGJ and WTU were immediately detained in the Tanjungpinang Police detention cell to undergo further legal proceedings. In this case, the police also managed to confiscate several pieces of evidence in the form of 10 cell phones, 5 passports, an account book belonging to the two suspects, cash amounting to Rp1,450,000.00, 500 US dollars, and 3,300 Ringgit Malaysia. The two suspects were charged with Article 10 of Law Number 21 of 2007 concerning the Eradication of TIP, Article 81 in conjunction with Article 69 of Law no. 18/2017 concerning the Protection of Indonesian Migrant Workers, and Article 83 jo. Article 68 of Law no. 18/2017. "This case has raised concerns and awareness of the importance of fighting crime and strengthening the appeal so that there are no more cases of criminal acts of trafficking in persons (TPPO), especially in Tanjungpinang City," said the Tanjungpinang Police Chief.

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