
YOGYAKARTA Before deciding to buy a house, buyers are advised to find out how to check whether the housing developer is legal or not. This is done to minimize the risk of fraud that occurs a lot.

If the housing developer is proven official, the buyer can continue the transaction. On the other hand, if you are not sure about the legality, avoid transactions with these developers.

Checking housing developers can be done in various ways and methods, both online and offline. Here are some ways that can be done.

The first developer search stage is conducting screening and selection. Buyers can conduct trusted developer elections by asking for recommendations from family, relatives, or friends who have experience dealing with developers. After getting a developer, do a screening.

Screening developers are done by checking several things, for example, developer experiences in other projects. Buyers can also find out the track record developer by typing the developer's name on the internet and looking for reviews. Also make sure the people who are part of having a clear identity.

Prospective buyers are also advised to really have an identity, both developer identity, developer, or property marketing. Identity can be in the form of ID cards, NPWP, mobile numbers, and so on.

The SIRENG application (Developer Registration Information System) is an official service provided by the Ministry of PUPR. The application is used to oversee developers in the process of building houses to monitoring the quality of homeworthiness. How to check online housing developers through SIRENG are as follows.

To be more sure, prospective buyers can check developers through developer associations. Usually, each region has its own housing developer association. For example, buyers can contact APERSI (Indonesian Housing and Settlement Development Association) to obtain developer information in West Java.

Usually housing developers have affiliations with banks. The banking sector will not arbitrarily determine the developer who applies for financing cooperation to developers. There are many banks that do offer cooperation with developers, including state-owned banks.

Even though the developer has legal status, prospective buyers are still advised to check the model house offered. Example houses can be a benchmark for buyers to ensure building facilities, quality, size, and so on.

It is also recommended that prospective house buyers check the legality documents of the house. For example, the developer must have a land certificate to be built. Also check the IMB.

Never give money to developers or housing marketing even if you are not asked, unless the money is clear. For example, the developer asks potential buyers to pay IDR 5 million for environmental security costs, and so on.

That's how to check housing developers. Visit VOI.ID to get other interesting information.

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