
SOLO - Sebelas Maret University (UNS) Surakarta is preparing a re-election schedule for the rector following the cancellation of the elected rector Sadji and some time ago.

Chairman of the UNS Board of Professors Prof. Suranto Tjiptowibisono in Solo, Tuesday said that the rector election will be held from December 2023 to February 2024. However, there are several stages that must be carried out towards the election of the rector.

The first step taken is the recovery and activation of the Board of Trustees (MWA) which will later act as the organizer of the rector election.

For this stage, he said, what was done was starting from the arrangement of the academic senate membership of the faculty (SAF) which took place in June-August 2023. Furthermore, in August-September, an arrangement was carried out by members of the academic senate.

In October-November the MWA was activated, followed by the preparation of MWA regulations, starting from the procedures for drafting internal regulations, rector election regulations, and others.

Previously, the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology frozen MWA in the aftermath of alleged fraud in the election of the chancellor which was held a few months ago.

As a result, the results of the election for the rector who won Sadjidan had to be canceled. Although until now the rectorial election has not been produced, it is certain that this will not interfere with operations, including UNS achievements.

"UNS is still able to make various achievements, especially in the governance of universities. This shows that UNS's internal situation is still conducive. Various activities of Tri Dharma Universities and the implementation of routine service activities are also still running normally," said Prof. Suranto Tjiptowibisono.

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