
YOGYAKARTA - Urges the acceleration of the electric vehicle ecosystem in Indonesia, the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) to formally determine the payment for charging services at Public Electric Vehicle Charging Stations (SPKLU).

These requirements are contained in the Decree of the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources No. 182. K/TL. 04/MM.S/2023 concerning the Cost of Electric Charging Services at SPKLU.

The Director General of Electricity, Jisman Hutajulu, said that electric vehicle owners can be paid for charging services for one time charging electricity at SPKLU Fast Charging or Ultrafast Charging.

"The amount of electricity charging services for SPKLU Fast Charging is very much Rp. 25.000. On the other hand, Ultrafast Charging is at most Rp. 57.000. This service fee has a ceiling or maximum limit and is imposed for every 1(one) charging," he said in the Socialization of Tariffs and Service Payments for the Acceleration of Charging Station Development.

The reason is, battery charging technology at SPKLU includes slow charging technology, medium charging technology, fast charging technology, and very flash charging technology.

The electricity tariff is applied for charging electricity from the SPKLU Business Entity to KBLBB owners in accordance with the electricity tariff for special services (L) using the N charger aspect of very large 1, 5 (one point 5) and is a payment for the purchase of electricity or energy charge (kWh).

Jisman emphasized that the payment for the service is incentives for SPKLU Business Entities to continue to increase and multiply SPKLU Fast Charging and Ultrafast Charging so that it will make it easier for KBLBB owners to carry out charging and support the development of the KBLBB ecosystem.

Not only that, SPKLU business entities can practice service payments at the basis of the determination of the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources, with the consideration and strategy of each business entity. The amount of the service fee is evaluated every 2 years, to see the economy and the reasonableness of costs.

"Currently, there are 129 SPKLU Fast Charging units and 47 Ultrafast Charging SPKLU units. Hopefully, with the payment of this service, there will continue to be many more SPKLU Fast and Ultrafast Charging units, specifically on long-distance routes such as toll roads, national routes, and others," said Jisman.

So after knowing the rules for charging electric vehicles at SPKLU, see other interesting news on VOI, it's time to revolutionize news!

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