
The East Java Education Office (Dispendik) officially prohibits high-level advanced schools (SLTA) such as SMA/SMK and state SLB from selling uniforms in any form through cooperatives through the implementation of a student cooperative moratorium based on Circular Letter (SE) numbered 420/4849/101.1/2023 dated 27 July 2023.

"This decision was taken following up on public reports about the high price of high school/vocational school uniforms in East Java," said Head of the East Java Dispendik, Aries Agung Paewai, as reported by ANTARA, Thursday, July 27.

He explained that the moratorium applies as of Thursday (27/7) to serve as a guideline for SMA/SMK in East Java. During the implementation of the moratorium on the purchase or sale of school uniforms for this period, school cooperatives continue to operate and provide various other needs.

The East Java Education Office conducted further studies regarding the understanding of regulations and the standard for price units for uniforms for high school/vocational school and state SLB students in school cooperatives.

"So the public should no longer worry about the high price of school uniforms sold by cooperatives," he said.

So that similar problems do not happen again in the future, his party asks that there be price similarities in school cooperatives and those sold in the market.

In fact, school cooperatives can sell it cheaper than outside. At the same time there is no coercion to buy uniforms on the market.

"If there is a clear and uniform price, then we will return it to the cooperative to carry out their business selling uniforms at a price that is appropriate for market prices," said Aries.

He also invited parents who objected to the high price of uniforms and had already bought from cooperatives to return them to school cooperatives, to be replaced according to the price purchased.

However, if there are schools that still sell after this policy drops, the principal will be given sanctions because instructions have been issued by the East Java Dispendik to the branch office level to be submitted to schools.

Meanwhile, regarding monthly contributions and under the guise of donations, Aries reiterated that this is not allowed because all SMA/SMK tuition fees are free.

"If someone contributes voluntarily, the amount will not be determined, please go through the committee," said Aries Agung Paewai.

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