The repair was carried out at the only intermediate access in Sempadan, Temajuk Village, the Indonesia-Malaysia border in Sambas, West Kalimantan (West Kalimantan).
Improvements not only involve local residents but also soldiers of the Yonarmed 16/TK Border Security Task Force (Pamtas).
"The bridge is the only access connecting hamlets and villages in Temajuk border area," said Company Commander I of the Pamtas Yonarmed 16/TK Task Force Captain Rimi Sugara, at the Sajingan Integrated Company Command Headquarters, Sanggau, West Kalimantan, Thursday, July 27, confiscated by Antara.
Sugara said that the bridge was quite alarming. The foundation, made of wood, was hit by the weather and finally broke and could not be passed.
According to him, if the bridge is allowed, the connecting access between hamlets in the border area will be cut off.
Therefore, the Pamtas Task Force soldiers were moved by the community to work together to repair the bridge.
"People are also enthusiastic about participating in the royong culvert," he said.
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Sugara said it is important to continue to grow the culture of gotong royong to strengthen unity and integrity in the life of the nation and state.
He conveyed that the spirit of mutual cooperation and community concern at the border is still high, this must be maintained and preserved.
"Currently the bridge has been passed, we hope that public access will run smoothly again in reviving community activities and for the community's economy," he said.
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