
JAKARTA - Bripda Ignatius Dwi Frisco Sirage was shot and killed by two colleagues, Bripda IMS and Bripka IG, in the Police Flat, Bogor. All three are known to be members of Densus 88 Anti-terror.

"They are members of the Densus," said Densus 88 spokesman Kombes Aswin Siregar when confirmed, Thursday, July 27.

However, regarding the series of incidents of alleged shootings, Aswin was not yet detailed. It is only conveyed if the case is handled by the Bogor Police and Densus 88 Anti-terror.

"The problem is being handled together by the Densus and the Bogor Police. Later, the Police and Densus investigators will update the progress," said Aswin.

The incident that killed Bripda Ignatius Dwi Frisco Sirage occurred on Sunday, July 23.

Karo Penmas, Police Public Relations Division, Brigadier General Ahmad Ramadhan, said that the IMS Bripda and Bripka IG had been arrested. Currently, the case is being investigated by the Propam Polda and the Criminal Investigation Unit.

"Currently the case is handled by a joint team of Propam and Criminal Investigation Unit to find out violations of discipline, code of ethics or crime committed by the perpetrators," he said.

On the other hand, Ramadhan emphasized that the National Police will take action against all its members who are found guilty according to the applicable regulations. Thus, the sense of justice will be felt by all Indonesian citizens.

"What is certain is that the National Police will not tolerate individuals who violate the applicable provisions or laws," said Ramadhan.

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