
The Indonesian Ministry of Education and Culture appealed to participants who received the 2023 PIP boost funds to quickly carry out account activation. This is because the disbursement of the push for the 2023 Phase II PIP learning fund continues.

Reported bypp.kemdikbud.go.id, data is presented on the activation of the account for the 2023 PIP recipient. Also through that page, you can check the recipient of the 2023 Kemdikbud PIP boost.

Later, the push for the 2023 PIP education fund will be disbursed through the recipient's account after carrying out the activation of the channeling bank. For elementary and junior high school students who receive PIP 2023, it will be channeled through Bank BRI. On the other hand, high school/vocational high school (SMK) students are channeled through BNI accounts.

Elementary school and equivalent: IDR 450 thousand per year

JUNIOR HIGH School and equivalent: IDR 750 thousand per year

Senior high school and equivalent: IDR 1 million per year.

The 2023 Kemdikbudristek PIP Assistance Recipient Check Method

Let's open the dip page. kemdikbud. go. id

After opening, a column will appear looking for PIP Recipients

Fill in the NISN information, NIK, and the summation results in the column

Click look for it, after that the data regarding the recipient can be seen.

1. Arriving at the bank(BNI, BRI and BSI) who have collaborated with the PIP committee of the Ministry of Education and Culture

2. Create an account activation certificate from the school

3. Prepare proof of self-KTP/student card, both students and student guardians

4. Fill out the PIP Simpel account creation form

The Method Of Registering For 2023 PIP Recipients Of The Ministry Of Education And Culture

1. If students do not have KIP, they can register with KKS or SKTM.

2. Students register at the nearest school or learning institution, by bringing their parents' KKS registered with the Integrated Social Welfare Information (DTKS).

3. If you don't have a KKS, you can request SKTM from RT/RW and Kelurahan/Village first to fulfill registration requirements.

4. If you already have a KKS or SKTM, immediately go to the nearest school or learning institution to carry out registration.

5. Ensure student information such as name, date of birth, address, and others according to what is found in NISN.

6. After that, the nearest school or learning institution will recommend the names of students to become prospective KIP recipients to the relevant directorate.

So after knowing how to activate a PIP account, see other interesting news on VOI, it's time to revolutionize news!

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