
PT KAI Daop 1 Jakarta controls 500 meters of illegal and clean buildings, namely at KM 7 + 000 to KM 7 + 500 between Pasar Senen station and Gangsentiong.

Daop 1 Jakarta controls and cleans train lines from illegal buildings and garbage for people/residents who do not have the right to be on the railway line.

This illegal and cross-clean building control activity will be carried out continuously.

Daily Executive of Daop 1 Jakarta Public Relations Feni Novita Saragih in a written statement explained that around 50 illegal buildings along the route were brought under control to keep the train track and train trips safe.

A total of 130 personnel consisting of a combination of Jakarta's Daop 1 work unit were deployed to curb illegal buildings and clean up trash along the railway line between Pasar Senen Gangsentiong.

The Jakarta Daop 1 ranks also conducted socialization to residents around the railway line so as not to throw garbage and burn it in the railway line area. In addition to disrupting train trips, it can also trigger fires and floods when it rains.

KAI also said that local residents should not carry out any activities on the railway line, either building illegal buildings or making illegal crossings because in addition to disrupting train travel, it also endangers the safety of yourself.

KAI Daop 1 Jakarta also emphasized that the prohibition of activities on train lines other than for the benefit of train transportation has been emphasized in Law Number 23 of 2007 concerning Railways. Article 181 paragraph (1) states that everyone is prohibited from being in the good space of the railway line, dragging, mobilizing, placing, or moving goods on the rail or crossing the railway line, or using the railway line for other purposes, other than for rail transportation.

Keselamatan dan keamanan bersama dapat diwujudkan melalui kerjasama dari berbagai pihak, termasuk masyarakat sekitar jalur api. KAI Daop 1 Jakarta juga terus menjalin kolaborasi dengan berbagai pihak baik pemerintah Kab/Kota maupun keregian dengan menggandeng Railfans(pencinta kereta) melakukan sosialisasi keselamanan KA wilayah Daop 1 Jakarta.

KAI Daop 1 Jakarta is also proactive in conducting safety socialization to residents who are in the vicinity of railroad crossings/paths as well as education to students in schools close to the rail line to participate in realizing the safety of train trips by not doing activities around the train line.

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