
A student with the initials YS (21) in Bandung Regency had to face the law because he made a false report to the police due to debt from online loans (pinjol).

Bandung Police Chief Kombes Kusworo Wibowo revealed that the suspect engineered the case by claiming to be a victim of robbery. However, after further investigation, the report turned out to be fabricated by the suspect because of the problems he was facing regarding the loan.

"This fake report is because the suspect has debts and the laptop is pawned. On July 12, 2023, YS should have paid off his debt. However, because there was no money, the person concerned made a scenario for the false report of a criminal act of robbery. Even though there really wasn't one," said Kusworo as quoted by ANTARA, Thursday, July 20.

Kusworo explained that the perpetrator reported to the Cangkuang Police that he was a victim of robbery.

"The person concerned reported that on July 18, 2023 at 23.00 WIB on Jalan Raya Nagerang, Nagrak Village, Cangkuang District, he was visited by three motorbikes, then covered by sickles and machetes, asked that the contents of the bag be handed over if not killed, so that the person concerned handed over the laptop to the suspect, "said Kusworo.

After receiving the report, continued Kusworo, the Criminal Investigation Unit of the Cangkuang Police and the Bandung Police conducted an investigation but found irregularities.

"So the investigation was matched with witness alibi statements and information technology facilities that there were no suspects mentioned by the reporter. Then they were investigated by the reporter, finally the person concerned admitted that he made a false report, while his laptop had been pawned," he said.

The scenario idea for making the fake report emerged, said Kusworo, was because the person concerned did not have the money to pay his debt which had matured since July 12.

"The person concerned should have redeemed but because there was no money, the person concerned made a scenario for a false report of a criminal act, even though there was no one," he continued.

Meanwhile, YS admitted that he was desperate to make a false report for fear of his parents about his condition in debt. Meanwhile, the laptop that was pawned was given by his parents.

"Because I was afraid of my parents, the laptop didn't exist because I was often asked every day for a laptop where I said at a friend's house here, that's where I basically never admitted it, even though I pawned the laptop to pay the loan," said YS.

He also evaded Rp1.4 million from his laptop pawning which ran out due to online gambling, but was used for daily needs.

In addition, he also hopes that with a series of stories about this illegal act, he can buy a new laptop by his parents.

"For loans, I am consumptive, for my own needs, for snacks, playing. I said it was lost so that (the parents) wouldn't ask again, secondly, let me be given a new laptop again," he said.

From this incident, Kusworo appealed to the public not to do the same thing, because what was reported was fake.

"This is a bad example so that other people don't do it," said Kusworo.

For his actions in reporting criminal acts but engineering, YS was charged with Article 220 of the Criminal Code with a penalty of 1 year and 4 months.

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