Profile Of Major General Muhammad Zamroni, Commander Of The New Army Armed Forces Center
TNI Major General Muhammad Zamroni (Sriwijayadam)


YOGYAKARTA Profile of Major General Muhammad Zamroni is interesting to discuss because he was appointed Commander of the Indonesian Army's Armed Forces (Danpussenkav). The appointment was carried out through a transfer of positions carried out by the TNI Commander Admiral Yudo Margono.

As is known, Admiral Yudo Margono transferred positions to 96 high-ranking officers (pati) of the Indonesian Army, Navy, and Indonesian Air Force. Apart from that, who is Muhammad Zamroni actually?

Major General of the TNI Muhammad Zamroni, SIP is an active TNI member who was born on July 15, 1968. He graduated from the Military Academy in 1990 on the branch ofTENance, troops in the war tasked with providing shock and protection effects. Before entering the Military Academy, he completed his upper middle education at SMA Negeri 5 Jambi.

The work of Muhammad Zamroni in the Indonesian Army is indeed quite long. Before becoming Danpussenkav, he was recorded several times as carrying out an important task, one of which was to become an aide to the Vice President (Wapres) Boediono in 2012. At that time Zamroni was Colonel.

In addition, Zamroni also briefly became a Level III Expert Staff Officer for the Army Chief of Staff for Social Communication. On the website, Zamroni also sat in the chair of the Chief of Staff of Kodam II/Sriwijaya starting May 4, 2020.

As is known, the transfer of positions carried out by Admiral Yudo was based on the Decree of the TNI Commander Number Kep/779/VII/2023 concerning dismissal from and appointment in positions within the TNI.

In a written statement issued by the TNI Information Center (Puspen), Wednesday, July 19, the purpose of holding a transfer of positions is to meet the needs of the organization and career development, as well as to optimize the implementation of TNI's tasks in the future which are considered more complex and dynamic.

It should be noted that the Firearms Center (Pussenkav) is the Central Executive Board of the Indonesian Army (AD) which is directly under the Kasad for the development of weapons and development of Military Horses and combat vehicles.

That's information about the profile of Major General Muhammad Zamroni. Visit VOI.ID for other interesting information.

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