
YOGYAKARTA In this article, the profits and losses of Golden Visa or gold visas will be discussed to foreign companies to foreign nationals who make certain investments in Indonesia.

It is known that the Director General (Dirjen) of Immigration of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights Silmy Karim on Monday, July 17, 2023 said that the revision of government regulations (PP) to Golden Visa policy only had to complete the administrative process by waiting for the initials of several ministers and the signatures of President Joko Widodo.

Silmy is optimistic that the revision of Government Regulation Number 31 of 2013 concerning the Implementation Regulation of Law Number 6 of 2011 concerning Immigration will be completed this month so that the various facilities offered by Golden Visa services can be immediately utilized by foreign investors.

"Ini lagi menunggu ditandatangani, itu ada PP-nya, peraturan pemerintah. Pengurunannya sudah, harmonikasi sudah, lagi dibutuhkan paraf. Saat ini, menunggu paraf Menteri Luar Negeri, kemudian Menteri Koordinator Bidang Politik, Hukum, dan Keamanan, baru ditandatangani Presiden. Mudah-mudahan bulan ini selesai, jadi hanya proses administrasi, kata Silmy di Denpasar, Bali, dikutip dari ANTARA, Selasa, 18 Agustus 2023.

Adapted from the official website of the Cabinet Secretariat, Golden Visa is a policy imposed by a country through the mechanism for granting residence permit facilities or citizens to Foreign Citizens (WNA) through investment or paying certain fees.

Golden Visa policy can provide a number of advantages, including:

In addition to providing a number of advantages, the provision of Golden Visa also does not rule out the possibility of negative implications.

Here are some losses from the implementation of the Golden Visa policy:

That's information about Golden Visa's gains and losses. Get another interesting article only on VOI.ID.

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