
TANGERANG - Head of the Integrated Service for the Empowerment of Women and Children (P2TP2A) South Tangerang (Tangsel), Tri Purwanto, said that victims of domestic violence (KDRT) experienced deep trauma to men, after being abused by their husbands, BD (38) at Serpong Park Housing, South Tangerang.

"His psychological condition is unstable. Currently, the victim is changing, meaning that there is deep trauma that the victim feels. What is clear is that the victim does not want to be met by the unknown. Because the victim is afraid to meet a man other than the victim is known and trusted," Tri told reporters Monday, July 17.

On that basis, his party will focus on the psychological supply of victims so that the victims do not experience continuous trauma.

"Now the focus is on dealing with trauma experienced by the victim," he said.

Tri also explained that the victim TM, who suffered bruises on his face, has now gradually improved. Moreover, the condition of the womb is also good.

"The condition of the victim's jaw still hurts and the condition of the womb in the victim, Alhamdulillah, is still good," he concluded.

TM (23) is a woman who is pregnant. She became a victim of domestic violence by her husband, BD (38). The incident occurred at Serpong Park Housing, North Serpong, South Tangerang City (Tangsel).

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