The South Tangerang (Tangsel) Police are still hunting for the suspect in the domestic violence (KDRT) with the initials BD (38) who fled after the police declared his status as a suspect.
It is known that BD abused his own wife, TM (23) who was pregnant at that time, at Serpong Park Housing, North Serpong, South Tangerang.
"The perpetrator or not has not yet been arrested, but the South Tangerang Police Satreskrim Opsnal team is still searching for the suspect," Galih told reporters at the South Tangerang Police, Monday, July 17.
Galih explained that the perpetrator was also a drug recidivist who had committed serious abuse against his wife.
"Reports on July 12 are Wednesday morning. Then on Friday, July 14, investigators have just received a post-mortem from the Medika Hospital, BSD," he said
"(Then) from the post-mortem results, the medical expert explained that there were injuries suffered by the victim. It is concluded that the wound can cause disease or can interfere with daily activities," Galih told reporters at the South Tangerang Police, Monday, July 17.
On that basis, his party brought the post-mortem evidence to be evidence during the case title to strengthen the determination of the articles suspected of the suspect.
"From these results, investigators obtained evidence, so later when the suspect is arrested. (BD) detention can be carried out. Because it is included in the category of article 44 paragraph 1 no. 23 of 2004 of the Domestic Violence Law," he concluded.
The South Tangerang Police have officially named a male suspect with the initials BD (38) on suspicion of molesting his wife. However, according to information obtained, the perpetrator was not detained.
The Head of Women and Children Service (PPA) of the South Tangerang Police, Iptu Siswanto, said that the suspect was temporarily deemed not to have caused serious injuries or illnesses to the victim. So that he was charged with Article 44 paragraph 4 of the Domestic Violence Law.
The prison sentence for Article 44 paragraph 4 of the Domestic Violence Law is punishable by a maximum imprisonment of 4 (four) months or a maximum fine of IDR 5,000,000.
"For the time being, we can't arrest it because it applies to paragraph 4. His status is still a suspect," said Siswanto when confirmed, Friday, July 14.
"However, the detention period has requirements. The formal and material elements, if the formal is afraid to repeat their actions, are afraid to run away, lose evidence, is that so. If the material is punishable by a sentence of more than 5 years," he continued.
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