
The Solo Debarkation Hajj Organizing Committee stated that the number of Central Java and Yogyakarta Special Region pilgrims who died until the 15th day of repatriation to the country increased by two to 100 people.

"Based on data in the Integrated Hajj Information and Computerization System, until 13.00 WIB, Saturday, July 15, the number of members of the Solo Debarkation pilgrims who died increased by two to a total of 100 people," said Public Relations of PPIH Debarkation Solo, Gentur Rama Indriyadi, at the Hajj Donohudan Boyolali Dormitory, Central Java.

Gentur said that 100 people from the Solo Debarkation Hajj died nationally, the second highest after the Surabaya Debarkation (SUB) was 134 people out of a total of 14 debarcations in Indonesia as many as 600 people.

He explained that two Solo Debarkation Hajj pilgrims who died in the Holy Land were last reported on behalf of Sartinem Moh Sukar (86), a resident of Purwodadi RT 002/002 Banjarnegara Regency, Central Java, who joined the group 78.

Haji ini, meninggal di RSAS, pada Kamis (13/7), pukul 00.00 WAS, karena sakit Cardiogenic Shock dan mayatnya diburam di Sharae Arab Saudi.

Another Hajj from Central Java who died was Rumisih Marju Kastowakit (71), a resident of Bermi RT 1/10 Gembong, Pati Regency, Central Java, who was a member of batch 78. This Hajj, died at RSAS, Thursday (13/7), at 16.01 WAS, due to illness Septi Shock and his body was buried in Sharae Saudi Arabia. Thus, the total number of worshipers died to 100 people.

"Of the 100 Solo Debarkation Pilgrims who died, consisting of 92 people from Central Java and eight people from DIY. Meanwhile, 55 people who were sick in the Holy Land were all treated in Saudi Arabia Mecca," he said.

Meanwhile, PPIH Debarkasi Solo at the repatriation of Hajj pilgrims, this Saturday, is scheduled to repatriate four groups of Hajj, namely group 28 from Magelang and Kebumen, at 03.39 WIB, batch 29 from Kebumen at 07.27 WIB, group 30 from Kebumen at 13.25 WIB, and group 31 from Kebumen and Brebes, at 21.50 WIB.

260 pilgrims from Magelang and Kebumen have arrived at the Hajj Donohudan Boyolali dormitory and then returned to their home areas and 29th batch with 359 people have also been returned to their respective areas.

"We are currently in the process of repatriating the 30th batch of pilgrims from Kebumen who landed at Adi Soemarmo Boyolali Airport, at 13.25 WIB and have been taken to the Haji Donohudan Dormitory for the repatriation process to their area," he said.

According to him, the repatriation of the Solo Debarkation Hajj pilgrims until batch 30 has reached 10,755 Hajj pilgrims who have been returned to their regions, or about 30.5 percent of the total departing for the Holy Land this year, which is 35,270 people.

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