
YOGYAKARTA - There were four candidates for the Board of Commissioners (DK) of the Financial Services Authority (OJK) who underwent a fit and proper test on Monday. The fit and proper test will be carried out by Commission XI of the DPR RI.

President Jokowi has chosen the names of four OJK DK candidates contained in the Attachment of Presidential Letter Number R-31/Pres/06/2023 dated June 16, 2023. The four names are Agusman, Adi Budiarso, Hasan Fawzi, and Erwin Haryono.

Commission XI of the DPR RI officially chose Agusman and Hasan Fawzi as new members of the OJK DK after completing the fit and proper test. What is the profile of the new member of the OJK DK who has been selected?

Agusman was born in 1965 in Padang. Agusman has a background education in finance or the economy. He completed his Bachelor of Accounting study at Andalas University in 1989. In 1989, he won a Master's degree in Economics and Finance from shotin University of Technology. In 2006, he managed to get a Ph.D in the field of Banking & Finance at the Australian National University.

Agusman started his career in the financial industry in 1992. He was also trusted to serve as Head of the Department of Financial System Surveillance in 2016-2017. In addition, he has also held a number of important positions, such as the Head of the Communications Department in 2017-2019 and the Head of the Department of Financial Market Development in 2019. In 2020, Agusman began holding the position of Head of the Bank Indonesia Internal Audit Department.

Hasan Fawzi was born in 1970 in Purwakarta, West Java. Hasan completed his Engineering Bachelor's degree at ITB in 1993. He then won a Master of Business Administration (MBA) at the University of liaE de Grenoble, Universite Pierre Mendes, France. In 2009, he was awarded a Master of Business Administration at the Faculty of Economics, University of Indonesia (UI).

Hasan's professional career began when he was Head of the Department of System Development at PT Kliring Depository Efek Indonesia in 1993-1997. He then joined KPEI in the position of Head of the Information Technology Division in 1997-2008. He also served as Director of PHEI in 2008-2012 and President Director of KPEI in 2012-2015 and 2015-2018.

That is the brief profile of the OJK DK candidate. The selection of Agusman and Hasan Fawzi as new members of the OJK DK was decided through an internal meeting in a face-to-face manner after the open fit and proper test.

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