
JAYAPURA - Papua Police Chief Inspector General Mathius Fakhiri now emphasized that KKB leader Egianus Kogoya, who is still holding a New Zealand national pilot hostage, has never asked for a copy of Rp 5 billion. Previously, the hostage ransom figure emerged from the statement of the Papuan Police Chief.

Fakhiri emphasized that Egianus had never asked for a copy that was conveyed in a meeting with the acting Regent of Nduga at that time, Namia Gwijangge.

"I have told my fellow journalists not to be misappropriated because Egianus and his friends have never asked for a ransom," said Fakhiri in Jayapura as reported by ANTARA, Monday, July 10.

The Papua Police Chief explained that two days after the hostage-taking case, namely on 9 Pebruari, a meeting was held with the Nduga Regent, who in the meeting he said that he did need local government money to ensure that the important thing was not more than IDR 5 billion.

"We are looking for a solution so that the hostages can be released and even the acting Regent of Nduga for the past long time has asked for one week for an effort to release the hostages but the progress until Philip replaces them is still being held," explained Fakhiri.

Inspector General Fakhiri said everything was revealed during the meeting and discussion that took place in Timika so it was hoped that it would not be developed because it was solely for the rescue of the pilot.

Efforts to release hostages continue to be carried out, including involving community leaders, religious leaders and Egianus' family.

"Various efforts are being made so that the hostages who work as Susi Air pilots are released," Fakhiri hoped.

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