
CIREBON - Class I Cirebon Correctional Institution (Lapas) officers, West Java, thwarted the smuggling of suspected narcotics of methamphetamine and 150 sedative pills, which were carried out by a visitor from Bogor.

"Our officers managed to thwart the alleged smuggling of methamphetamine by a visitor," said Head of Cirebon City Class I Prison Kadiyono as reported by ANTARA, Friday, July 7.

Kadiyono said the failure to smuggle methamphetamine and 150 sedatives into Cirebon City Class I Prison occurred on Thursday (6/7) during visiting hours.

According to him, the smuggler is a woman with the initials SD from Bogor, West Java, where she will visit her husband with the initials AU who is serving a sentence in prison.

The officer was already suspicious of the woman's movements, because her behavior was very different from usual.

Then, officers directed the smuggler to enter the body scanner, after the person concerned passed the tool, the officer became suspicious of something around the woman's vital organs.

"Furthermore, the officer informed other officers who were women to carry out a manual examination," he said.

After a manual examination, Kadiyono continued, officers found that there were a number of items suspected of being methamphetamine and 150 sedative pills from inside elementary school vitals.

Kadiyono added that with the discovery of methamphetamine and also a sedative, the perpetrator was immediately arrested, and his party contacted officers from the Cirebon City Police.

"We have handed over the perpetrators to law enforcement officers, namely the Cirebon City Police," he said.

He explained that the AU or the husband of the perpetrator is currently serving a sentence of seven years in prison with a narcotics trafficking case, in which he will soon be released.

"We have placed the AU in a special cell for committing violations, and we have submitted the legal case to the Cirebon City Police," he said.

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