
YOGYAKARTA - For students, of course, MPLS is familiar because in every year new students will experience a School Environment Introduction Period (MPLS). This activity is held by schools to get to know programs, school facilities and infrastructure, how to learn, and the initial development of school culture. So what is MPLS?

MPLS itself is the newest name for this activity. Previously, the activity was called Masa Orientasi Siswa (MOS). MOS is abolished because in it there are often bullying or plencoans to new students in the school area. Let's play!

The School Environment Recognition Period (MPLS) is a period of school recognition starting from education systems, infrastructure facilities, school ecosystems. The nature of this activity is educational and exciting. There is no bullying or friendship in it,

MPLS' activities are regulated in the Regulation of the Minister of Learning and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia No. 18 of 2016 concerning the Introduction of School Areas for New Students. Article 1 states that the introduction of school areas is an initial activity of entering schools for the introduction of programs, facilities and school infrastructure, learning methods, planting concepts of self-introduction, and early coaching of school culture.

Ada pula, tujuan dari MPLS sebagaimana yang disebut dalam Pasal 2 selaku berikut.

MPLS activities are generally held between 3 and 6 days. Quoting from the Silabus page. web. id, the purpose of holding the MPLS as follows.

In Article 2 of the Minister of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia No. 18 of 2016, it is also stated that the introduction of the school area includes mandatory activities and selected activities. Obligatory activities and selected activities are adjusted to the signal for the introduction of the school area. Schools can sort out one or more material of area recognition activity options or carry out other selected activities that are tailored to the circumstances and characteristics of the school area.

Although adjusted to each school's silabus. However, schools must always pay close attention to some of the following questions listed in Article 5 of the Minister of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia No. 18 of 2016.

So after Knowing what MPLS is, look at other interesting news on VOI, it's time to revolutionize news!

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