JAKARTA - Efforts to free Susi Air's pilot, Philip Mark Mehrtens from the armed criminal group (KKB) in Papua have not yet come to light. The DPR asks the Government and security forces to continue to prioritize the negotiation process with the carriers.
"Negotiation must be prioritized. The Indonesian government and security forces must be able to ensure the safety of the hostages, but at the same time they must not demean the nation's self-esteem," said Chairman of Commission I DPR RI Meutya Hafid, Thursday, July 6.
Philip Mark Mehrtens has been held hostage by the KKB led by Egianus Kogoya since February 7, shortly after the pilot captain landed his plane at Paro airport. Egianus Kogoya and his group also set fire to the plane driven by Mehrtens.
The KKB had threatened to shoot Mehrtens dead, and ended with a planned ransom fulfillment of IDR 5 billion for the KKB to release the New Zealand pilot. Meutya hopes that this hostage-taking issue will not stop with the provision of ransom.
"The government must not stop at fulfilling the demands for ransom to the KKB in releasing the Susi Air pilot. There must be considerations for further negotiation steps to defuse the KKB action which is still happening in Papua," he said.
Even so, Meutya understands the urgency for the Government and security forces who plan to fulfill the ransom request to save the foreign national pilot (WNA). He also believes that the Government and security forces have also made various strategic efforts that not all of them can be conveyed to the public.
"We in the DPR also believe that the government and the security forces have careful consideration with the decision to give the ransom. Because this issue has also widened from security matters to relations with other countries," he continued.
Apart from the hostage-taking issue, Meutya asked the Government to seek a comprehensive solution in dealing with the KKB. Because the actions of the KKB's crimes against humanity are no longer tolerable.
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The KKB problem in Papua must be resolved from upstream to downstream. Comprehensive proper approaches are needed to be completed to the roots considering that the violence carried out by the KKB continues to be prolonged," said Meutya.
The legislator from the North Sumatra I electoral district also assessed that solving the KKB problem needed to involve local communities in Papua. Because, said Meutya, Papuans have an approach in terms of local wisdom.
"While strengthening security personnel in Papua, the Government also needs to find additional strength. The strength of the TNI/Polri can be added with the help of local residents or communities in Papua who understand regional structures, cultural conditions and customs there," he explained.
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