
JAKARTA Based on the results of updating the data on the 2023 Building Village Index (IDM), the Malang Regency Government (Pemkab), East Java, together with the Professional Assistance Team (TPP) stated that its area already has 302 independent categories of villages.

Malang Regency TPP Community Empowerment Expert Coordinator Winartono in Malang Regency, Thursday said that out of a total of 378 villages in the area, there were no more developing villages.

"Of the 378 villages, they are divided into 302 independent villages, 76 developed villages and without any villages with developing status," said Winartono.

Winartono explained, in the implementation of IDM data collection in 2022, in Malang Regency there were 46 developing villages, 241 developed villages and 91 independent villages, with three sub-districts with all villages with independent village status.

According to him, the three sub-districts out of a total of 33 sub-districts in Malang Regency in 2022 are Dau District, Pujon District and Sumberpucung District. In 2023 there was an increase in the status of a number of villages in the region.

"In IDM 2023, all of them have increased status. In 2023, there are 12 sub-districts that have independent rural areas. This is the work of all parties," he said.

The additional nine sub-districts that have all villages have independent status, he continued, are Kromengan, Poncokusumo, Pakis, Ngantang, Wagir, Tajinan, Wonosari, Wajak and Kepanjen sub-districts.

He hopes that there will be special regulations for the management of the Independent Rural Area, especially for handling 302 independent villages in the Malang Regency area. The regulation is expected in the form of regional regulations or regent regulations.

"The regional regulation or Perbub of the Mandiri Rural Area needs to be encouraged so that the handling of independent villages can get better, synergize with the parties," he said.

Head of the Malang Regency Village Community Empowerment Service (DPMD), Eko Margianto, added that the Malang Regency Government's target for the 2023 IDM survey had been met, and even exceeded the target for the number of independent villages.

"The Zero Village Development target by increasing the status of 46 developing villages has been successfully completed. Meanwhile, the initial target of adding independent villages has been exceeded. Now there are 302 independent villages or 79.8 percent of the total existing villages," he said.

Malang Regency has an area of 2,977.05 square kilometers, or the second largest in East Java Province after Banyuwangi Regency. The total population in the area reached 2.6 million people spread across 33 sub-districts.

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