
The Directorate of Special Criminal Investigation (Ditreskrimsus) of the Aceh Police is investigating allegations of falsification of bank financing documents at Bank Syariah Indonesia, Sigli Branch Office, Pidie Regency. Director of Special Criminal Investigation of the Aceh Police, Kombes Winardy, said the investigation was based on the report of the owner of the property rights certificate (SHM) which was used as a document for customer financing. "This case is being handled by investigators from Sub-Directorate II of Fiscal Crimes, Monetary, and Foreign Exchange of the Ditreskrimsus Polda Aceh. The investigation of this case has been upgraded to the investigation stage. Documents allegedly falsified for bank financing amounting to Rp1.05 billion," said Winardy in Banda Aceh, Antara, Tuesday, June 27. The investigation of the case began with a report by a person with the initials W as the owner of SHM who was used as collateral for customer financing with the initials AF at Bank Syariah Indonesia, Sigli Branch Office. "Reporter W, who is also AF's younger brother, feels aggrieved because SHM is used as collateral, which is also forged by the name of W, AF's wife. The name of the owner of SHM and AF's wife has the same name," he said. In the investigation, investigators have confiscated financing documents such as a cooperation agreement between banks and customers with the initials AF and SHM which were used as collateral on behalf of W. In addition to confiscating documents, investigators found allegations of involvement of a bank employee with the initials MA who was suspected of making false data on reports that were required documents for financing facilities. "The falsified data in the form of a certificate of ownership or SHM in the name of W, the data was changed in the name of another person whose name is the same. The SHM owner refused to use the certificate as bank financing guarantee, so he reported it to the Aceh Police," he said.
"In this case, investigators apply Article 63 Paragraph (1) letters a and c of Law Number 22 of 2008 concerning Islamic banking. The minimum penalty is five years and a maximum of 15 years in prison. The fine is at least Rp. 10 billion and a maximum of Rp. 200 billion," said Winardy.

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