
JAKARTA - Russian President Vladimir Putin delivered a televised address on Monday evening, saying he deliberately allowed the insurgency for 24 hours by Wagner Group mercenaries on Saturday to avoid bloodshed, and that it had strengthened national unity.

The statement appears to be meant to draw a line under an event that many Western leaders have seen exposing President Putin's vulnerability since invading Ukraine 16 months ago.

Wagner fighters, led by Yevgeny Prigozhin, managed to control Rostov City with its military command center controlling Ukraine's campaign, driving armed convoys across Russia within 200 km of Moscow.

"Since the beginning of the incident, steps have been taken on my direct instructions to avoid serious bloodshed," President Putin said.

"Time is needed, among others, to give opportunities for those who have made mistakes to be aware, to realize their actions are firmly rejected by the public, and that the adventures they are on have tragic and destructive consequences for Russia and our country," President Putin said.

On the occasion, President Putin did not mention the name Prigozhin, who had asked Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu and General Chief of Staff General Valeri Gerasimov to come to Rostov to speak to him. He asked both of them to be fired.

Putin also did not mention any plans to change personnel at the Ministry of Defense, although at around 23.00 Moscow time, he was seen on television speaking before Defense Department officials, including Shoigu.

On the occasion, President Putin thanked Wagner fighters and commanders who had withdrawn from the uprising, to avoid what he called a "blood spill of brotherhood", and said most Wagner members were patriots.

He also emphasized that he would keep his promise to the Wagner soldiers involved in the incident, being able to continue their duties by signing a contract under the Ministry of Defense or going to Belarus.

"The promise I made will be fulfilled. I repeat: the choice is in your hands, but I believe it will be the choice of the Russian army who have realized their tragic mistake," President Putin said.

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