
JAKARTA - Did you know that aging does not only occur in age and skin, it turns out that all organs and systems of the human body experience it, including the immune system or body immunity. Like As wheels that continue to work require routine maintenance and maintenance, the human body also needs an immune system that functions as a shield to maintain the health of the body.

The immune system can be maintained with a healthy lifestyle. For example, maintaining a sleep cycle of at least 7 hours/a day, maintaining a clean and comfortable environment, cleaning the body, and ensuring adequacy of balanced and phytonutrient nutritional intake. So don't forget, it's also important to maintain food intake that enters the body, yes!

Consumption of 2 servings of fruit and 3 servings of vegetables is two things that are often recommended in the daily food menu, in addition to the consumption of protein, fat and low carbohydrates in the glycemic index. The food has natural Glutamic and Glutamine content which plays a role in helping the production and maintenance of immune cells including antibodies. that we know. You can also find it from Monosodium glutamate (MSG) or micin, you know.

Endang S. Sunaryo as the Nutrition and Food Observer explained that Glutamat and Glutam are like twin brothers, both are non-essential amino acids that are abundant in the human body, meaning that at any time they can be converted into other amino acids that the body needs. In healthy body cells, the glutamate is preferred by the body.

On the other hand, when cells are experiencing stress or injury or disease, Glutamine will need more, especially to maintain the integrity of the gut mukosa. Not only that, this Glutam also acts as an activation of the immune system in the digestive tract. He can help prevent body poison from spreading and strengthen the immune system to be ready for infection.

Natural glutamate and Glutamina are also found in breast milk (ASI), you know. He really helps the baby's immune system which is still not strong like adults. Baby usus plays an important role in the digestive system where enzymes and GUT are in the gut immune system. Therefore, the need for high Glutamate and Glutamina in the early 1000 days of life.

As a result, the myth that MSG, which acts as a source of Glutamat, is not safe for consumption by infants and children, has proven not to be true. Natural Glutamat or supplied from food, the body cannot distinguish it and is immediately used as a building substance and regenerates an aus cell.

Well, as the immune system ages, it will definitely experience a decrease in function. The aging of the immune system has an impact on reducing the production of the number of immune cells. This makes the elderly also tend to be more susceptible to disease.

In the face of aging, the application of a healthy lifestyle is able to maintain and strengthen the immune system. Balanced Nutrition Guidelines (PGS) already regulate diet and physical activities to make a quality Indonesian human.

One of the recommended food ingredients is marine fish. The nutritional content is diverse and also complete. Sea fish are rich in protein, special peptides and amino acid Glutamat. In addition, sea fish are also very rich in Omega 3, antioxidants such as carotenoids, vitamin soluble fats such as vitamins A, D and E, mineralral Calcium, Posfor, Magnesium, Yodium, Seng and Selenium which play a role in the body's metabolism, especially the immune system.

Kaldu and concentrated fish enriched by Glutamat (MSG) can be prepared as a source of Glutamate and Glutam needed by the body. Curious what roles Glutamat and Glutam play in maintaining immunity? Here are what we summarize from various sources.

The human immune system is very complex. When bacteria or viruses attack, body cells such as lymphocytes, macrophages, and neuttrophils work together. Like war troops, they need strong logistics to be able to fight against their enemies. Without the supporting force', our immune system can lose before going to war. Well, there is something interesting about the interplay of Glutamat and Glutam with lymphocytes.

According to research by the Nutrition and Food Agency, Limfosit consists of lymphocyte T and lymphocyte B which have a dependence on mutual cooperation. In their working system, Glutamine plays a role in increasing the number of lymphocyte T cells when receiving signals from cells infected by allergens in the form of interferons. Without interferons, T cells cannot react. While lymphocyte B plays a role in forming antibodies after receiving signals from T cells. Thus the number and alertness of T lymphocyte cells is very important in body defense activities.

Therefore, without Glutamat and Glutamins, Limfosit will not function optimally as it should. Without it, immunity will lose the best soldiers. The vigilance of T-cell lymphocytes decreases as well as Nk' cells. As a result, viruses and bacteria will easily attack the body.

Apart from Limphocytes, Neutrophils and Monosites also require Glutamine. Neutrophils and Monosits that work in a phagocytosis or swallowing of enemies rely heavily on the supply of Glutamine. Not only that, Neutrophils and Monosit also support the production rate of superoxide, namely free radicals, the key needed to kill incoming allergens or enemies, so that it is effective in disease healing.

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