
PADANG - Sociologist from the Padang State University (UNP) of West Sumatra, Erianjoni, suspects that the deviant behavior (inses) between mothers and biological children that occurred in Bukittinggi City, West Sumatra due to cohesion or excessive relationships. "The closeness of excessive relations and going beyond sacred values between mothers and children can lead to deviant practices," said UNP sociologist ERianjoni in Padang, Saturday, June 24. According to him, it is important for parents to pay attention to the boundaries of relationship both with boys and girls. Because, if not, it could be as oblique as happened in Bukittinggi City. In addition to social cohesion between parents and children, Enrianjoni assessed that deviant behavior practices could also occur due to the dysfunction of the role of family or fathers. That is, the figure of a father fails to protect both children and his wife. "The impact of this deviant relationship occurs because there is no supervision," he said. Erianjoni said in addition to cohesion and family role function, inses can also be triggered by the influence of addictive substances such as drugs and the like that damage the nerves, resulting in a person not thinking normally.

Disclosure of cases of deviant sex behavior in Bukittinggi as well as indicating moral degradation in the country. Erianjoni believes things that are contrary to these norms are quite common, but not everything is revealed to the public.

Therefore, the government and relevant stakeholders need to look at and resolve the issue through concrete steps, with the aim of protecting the community itself. In separate places, the Mayor of Bukittinggi Erman Safar invited all regional heads in the province to dare to uncover deviant sex cases. This was conveyed by Erman Safar following the disclosure of alleged cases of recess between mothers and children that occurred in the regions, and has been going on for the past few years. "This is to fortify our children. But what about other cities and regencies, how long will they want like this," he said.

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