
JAKARTA - Police observer from the Institute for Security and Strategic Studies (ISESS) Bambang Rukminto was pointed at using an air soft gun apo by a group of people using firearms in Malang, East Java, Friday, June 23. Bambang confirmed in Jakarta, saying the incident occurred at 14:48 WIB when he came home from the ATM. 200 meters from the ATM, the motorbike driven by Bambang was suddenly cut off by two motorbikes from behind, with four perpetrators. The perpetrators, said Bambang, asked him to hand over his cell phone while pointing a firearm. When they found out that the firearms used by the perpetrators were a type of air soft gun, Bambang dared to fight, until a group of penodongs left. "I hope that the perpetrators can be caught soon so that the motive can be known," said Bambang, quoted from ANTARA. He did not want to speculate whether the handling was just an ordinary crime or by design as an attempt to intimidate the criticisms he had carried out to the police as the person in charge of security and law enforcement," said Bambang. Based on his indication, the perpetrator only asked for his cellphone. So raises the question of what's with his cellphone. According to him, the perpetrator assumes on his cellphone there are a lot of data. However, if it's just a criminal perpetrator who usually robs his cellphone, it's certainly very naive, using a firearm, even though in the end it was discovered, only a replica. The perpetrators don't even know what my cell phone brand is? It would be naive if it robs cheap cellphone with a firearm capital, "said Bambang.

Bambang added, if the incident he experienced was an ordinary crime, it meant a warning to the people of Malang, that it turned out that the city of Malang could not be said to be safe. "Evidence is proven in broad daylight, at 14:45 p.m., on highways that are busy passing by, crimes can be so brave. Where are the security forces at?" Bambang said. Bambang plans to report the incident to the Malang Police, and officially give a statement to the media on Saturday, June 24.

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