
JAKARTA - A obese patient named Muhammad Fajri alias MF (26) finally died while undergoing intensive care for 2 weeks at Dr. National Hospital. Cipto Mangunkusumo (RSCM), Central Jakarta on Thursday, June 22.

The RSCM team of doctors failed to treat the obese patient, a resident of Pedurenan, Karang Tengah, Tangerang City.

"We admit that this case is a tough case, difficult, because it is already in advanced condition. But we are still trying everything with maximum medical effort," said Acting (Task Implementing) Director of Operational Services of RSCM, Renan Sukmawan to reporters, Thursday, June 22.

Furthermore, Renan appealed to the public if they found other obese cases, they could immediately report to the RSCM for treatment as early as possible.

"If later people who have the same case, so that it can be conveyed to us earlier, we will do our best," he said.

Renan also stated that there are various actions that can be taken to lose weight with surgery and so on.

"Of course it must be done in a stable condition, not an unstable condition that might improve the prognosis in the future. Hopefully, even earlier that we can help, we can get better treatment results in the future," he said.

Reportedly, residents of Pedurenan, Karang Tengah, Tangerang City, Muhammad Fajri (27) went viral because of obesity, and have a body weight of up to 300 kg.

Pasien Fajri sempat dirawat di RSU Kota Tangerang, kemudian dirujuk ke RSCM pada Jumat malam, 9 Juni 2023.

After arriving at the RSCM, Fajri's patient was triaged at the ER. Then the patient was transferred to the integrated inpatient room of Building A.

President Director of RSUPN Cipto Mangunkusumo (RSCM), Lies Dina Liastuti said, obese patients weighing 300 kilograms are still undergoing treatment in a modified special room.

"We have prepared (a special room) for one room only for the person concerned. The person concerned also cannot be (treated) in bed because of weight that does not allow for a bed as large as needed and is very heavy," Lies Dina Liastuti told reporters, Wednesday, June 14.

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