
YOGYAKARTA National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo recently said that there must be a review of the making of a driving license (SIM). He even asked for an appeal study. Apart from this statement, the policy of making SIMs in various countries is quite interesting to discuss.

As is known, every country has a 'SIM' that can be obtained by the community with its own procedures. The VOI team tried to summarize how the governments in several countries regulate how to get a driver's license for their community.

SIM makers in Australia turned out to last quite a while until they reached 4 years. SIM applicants will be asked to participate in training for a long enough duration. Not only that, after completing training, they will only get SIMs that only apply in several cities in Australia.

The driving license issued by the United States to the public can be obtained through several tests. From the official website of the Department of Motor Vehicles, the government agency responsible for issuing a SIM, it is explained that people who need a SIM must pass the theoretical and practical exams and not use psychological tests.

The Mexican government allows its citizens to make SIMs. However, there are no rules regarding the minimum age of making a SIM. Applicants will be asked to bring a number of documents, and officers will check the documents.

Like the United States, the Swiss Government also does not apply psychological exams in every SIM maker. However, people are required to include psychological test results if they fail the SIM application exam. In addition, a psychological test will also be requested if the applicant shows symptoms of having a potentially dangerous personality disorder.

There is also no psychological test for making SIMs in Belgium either. But in general, Belgians who want to get a driver's license must first pass the theory exam. If he passes, he can continue to the next stage. But if it fails, the applicant must take courses and practice driving under mentor supervision.

The French government does apply psychological tests, but only for residents who work as drivers of public transportation. This means that taxi drivers, ambulances, school buses, or other public transportation in France have conducted psychological tests. As for residents driving private vehicles, they must pass the theoretical test and pass the driving simulation.

There are two choices given to its citizens to get a SIM; first, through schools appointed by the Government to hold training, so that practical tests are no longer needed. Second, through other driving schools, which require residents to continue to take the theoretical and practical exams. The SIM practice test in Japan is carried out in a way that applicants must go through special roads that have been designed with obstacles and obstacles similar to roads in everyday life.

Pakistan has not even imposed any psychological tests on its citizens who want to get a driver's license. However, the public is required to include a medical report containing information on the health of the eyes, ears, and blood pressure. In addition, residents must take a written and practical exam.

Neighboring Indonesia, Malaysia, seems to have different SIM rules. In this country, there are also no rules regarding psychological tests. Residents are only required to take practical and written exams. However, the applicant must first take the exam on traffic signs.

Some sources say that SIM applicants are required to take a theory course with a duration of 6 hours. The applicant's course will be taught basic things about the vehicle. After that, the applicant will get an experimental driver's license used for the driving course before finally getting an official driver's license.

Danish citizens who want to make a minimum SIM must be 18 years old. Applicants must also go through various exams such as having to take driving lessons, do simulations, and receive training on driving practices. The applicant will also be accompanied by an instructor.

Those are some of the policies for making SIMs in various countries. Visit VOI.ID to get other interesting information.

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