
SOLO - Chairman of the National Awakening Party (PKB) Muhaimin Iskandar met with Solo Mayor Gibran Rakabuming Raka at Loji Gandrung Solo's official residence to discuss politics. "Today, we have a relationship with Mas Gibran, we don't discuss anything, except to entrust PKB friends here," said Muhaimin Iskandar in Solo, quoted from Antara, Tuesday, June 20. Muhaimin hopes that PKB can develop in Solo. Thus, in the 2024 election, not all of them were taken by the PDI-P. "Share it. Solo is targeted to fill the main electoral district. At least five," he said. Regarding the presidential and vice presidential elections, he evaded it because the Shura council's kiai asked him not to talk too much about the presidential election. "I can't anymore because I talk too much. The board of syuro advises me not to talk too much about the presidential election, to talk too much," he said. Meanwhile, related to the possibility of installing Gibran with KH Muhammad Yusuf Chudlori or Gus Yusuf to run in the Central Java gubernatorial election, he said that this was PKB's hope. In principle, he admitted that he was happy with Gibran's leadership style. "Mas Gibran is a future leader who has a distinctive leadership art, which is different, an alternative leader. The young have different perspectives, Mas Gibran is in accordance with his time," said Muhaimin. On the same occasion, Gibran said that the meeting was limited to friendship. "While passing from East Java, I want to go to Magelang. Just have lunch," he said. Regarding PKB's hopes for Gibran to run with Gus Yusuf in the 2024 Central Java gubernatorial election, he did not give a definite answer. However, he admitted that he had met Gus Yusuf. "I've been to his house too. In Magelang. We'll discuss it later, it's not me who determines," he said.

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