JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) will investigate allegations of corruption at the Ministry of Agriculture in stages. It is suspected that there is a cluster in the corruption crime.
"We may want to give a little clue that in the handling of investigations in the case of the Ministry of Agriculture there are three clusters," Acting Deputy for Enforcement and Execution of the KPK Asep Guntur told reporters, Monday, June 19.
Asep explained that currently the investigation is still investigating the first cluster. "So colleagues, please be patient because there is still a second, third cluster," he said.
"We have also recorded and given us time to dig into these clusters," continued Asep.
اقرأ أيضا:
Previously, the KPK confirmed the investigation into alleged corruption at the Ministry of Agriculture. This was in response to the circulation of the Minister of Agriculture Syahrul Yasin Limpo along with two of his subordinates, KSD and HTA, who were also involved in allegations of corruption.
This action was carried out since early January. Dozens of people have been questioned, such as officials and state civil servants (ASN) at the ministry.
Furthermore, investigators asked Syahrul for information on Friday, June 16. Then he was not present because he was on duty abroad and asked to postpone it until Tuesday, June 27.
However, the KPK continued to summon Syahrul on Monday, June 19 and he fulfilled the call. After being questioned he admitted that he was ready to cooperate with the investigation at the ministry he led.
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