
JAKARTA - Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs (Menko Polhukam) Mahfud MD appreciated the performance of the Indonesian Migrant Workers Protection Agency (BP2MI) which has uncovered 244 cases of the Crime of Trafficking in Persons (TPPO) and the crime of protecting Indonesian Migrant Workers (PMI).

The disclosure of the crime of trafficking in persons and the crime of protecting PMI was carried out from June 5 to 13, 2023.

"There are 180 cases of human trafficking and 64 cases of PMI protection. The disclosure is in just 1 week, from June 5 to 13, 2023," Mahfud MD told reporters at the BP2MI Office, South Jakarta, Monday, June 19.

Of the 244 cases, 284 suspects were arrested. Meanwhile, the total number of victims of the crime was 1,006 people.

"36 cases are still under investigation, 176 cases have been investigated starting from June 5 to 13, 2023," he said.

Mahfud detailed that the largest area of TIP crime cases and PMI protection crimes occurred in the West Kalimantan region.

"So the 3 regions with the most cases in West Kalimantan have 36 cases, West Java 34 cases and Central Java 30 cases. Meanwhile, the areas with the most TIP cases are North Sumatra and West Kalimantan with 135 victims and NTT there are 82 victims. This (occurrence) in June is already a lot," he explained.

According to Mahfud, 93 percent of the victims were adults, including 134 men and 116 women. This means that 70 percent of the victims are minors.

"We appreciate BP2MI and especially the National Police for taking quick and productive steps since receiving directions from the President at a limited cabinet meeting on May 30, 2023," he added.

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