
As many as 11 pilgrims from 2023 Hajj candidates from Central Sulawesi Province (Central Sulawesi) have been postponed their departure to the Holy Land. "For now, there are 15 prospective Central Sulawesi hajj candidates whose departures have been postponed, 11 people are postponed next year, while four others are still undergoing treatment," said Head of the Hajj and Umrah Organizing Division of the Ministry of Religion (Kanwil), Muchlis in Palu, Friday, June 16, confiscated by Antara. He revealed a number of things underlying the prospective pilgrims experiencing delays in departure. Most due to health considerations, namely illness and another pregnant. Muchlis said, the 11 people came from flying groups (kloters) 10, 12, 14 and 15 and have been repatriated to their respective districts by the committee from Balikpapan Embarkation. The four pilgrims who are currently undergoing treatment, according to him, if they have returned to health and are declared fit to fly, will be dispatched together with the next batch. He added a total of 2,011 pilgrims along with 17 Central Sulawesi Hajj officers (PHD) who were divided into seven groups have been flown to the Holy Land, Saudi Arabia. "Now the rest is waiting for the departure of additional pilgrims on June 2," he said. All pilgrims who have arrived in the Holy Land in good health and pilgrims have been asked to maintain health, especially physically and avoid the heat of the day directly and do not overly impose themselves on full worship, said Muchlis.

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