
SUMBAR - The Election Supervisory Agency (Bawaslu) of West Pasaman Regency found 1,354 dual voters.

The Coordinator of the Supervision, Public Relations and Relations Division of the West Pasaman Bawaslu Institution, Aditia Pratama, said that the doubly indicated voters were found on the temporary list of improved voters (DPSHP) in 11 sub-districts in West Pasaman, West Sumatra (West Sumatra).

"This amount is the result of supervision that we carried out together with the lower-level supervisors in the DPSHP stage by means of funerals and data analysis," he said at Simpang Empat, Friday, June 16, which was confiscated by Antara. He said that the most doubly indicated voters were in Sungai Beremas sub-district as many as 524 people and in Gunung Tuleh District the smallest were 16 voters. Then there were 123 voters indicated to have died who were still in the DPSHP d. It was found in the transverse Valley as many as 29 people, in Talamau District 46 people, Luhak Nan Duo sub-district 20 people and in Ranah Batahan sub-district 5 people. Furthermore, in Koto Balingka sub-district as many as 7 people, Sungai Aur District 5 people, in Pasaman District 9 people and in Sasak Ranah Pasise District 2 people., "said Aditia.

His party also found that voters were indicated to be still members of the TNI as many as 3 people in Sasak Ranah Pasise and Luhak Nan Duo sub-districts. "There are also 3 people who are indicated as members of the National Police in Luhan Nan Duo sub-district," he said. The findings have been submitted to the KPU and also the sub-district supervisory committee has also submitted to the PPK in the sub-district. "Of course we hope that when the determination of the voter list remains, there will no longer be a double voter or anything else," he said.

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