
YOGYAKARTA For Indonesian Hajj Pilgrims, it is certainly familiar with the term TPHI. The existence of TPHI is quite important because it helps Muslims carry out worship well during the pilgrimage. Then, what is TPHI?

In general, TPHI (Indonesian Hajj Guide Team) is a committee for organizing Hajj formed by the Government to help pilgrims from Indonesia during the pilgrimage. TPHI is often referred to as the head of the group or the Hajj group.

The understanding of TPHI is also explained in the Regulation of the Governor of the Bangka Belitung Islands Number 10 of 2019 concerning Amendments to Governor Regulation Number 14 of 2016 concerning Guidelines for Procedures for Appointment and Implementation of Tasks for the Regional Hajj Team and the Regional Hajj Team for the Province of the Bangka Belitung Islands. It is said that TPJI is an officer who accompanies pilgrims in flying groups and has the duty to provide public services for pilgrims and is responsible as the head of the flying group.

Prospective pilgrims are usually divided into groups or flying groups. Each group consists of 385 to 455 prospective pilgrims, including officers. Meanwhile, the group officers who accompanied the prospective pilgrims consisted of 1 TPHI, 1 TPIHI, 1 TKHI, and 2 paramedics.

In general, the chlorary officer is responsible for all pilgrims in one group. They are also tasked with serving affairs in various administrative and managerial needs. In carrying out their duties, TPHI will be assisted by other parties.

Quoted from the I-Module Book for Hajj Officer Training Materials in 1444 H/2023 AD, TPHI's duties have been carried out since before departure. The working range of TPHI is as follows.

In addition to what TPHI is related, visit VOI.ID to get other interesting information.

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