
JAKARTA - About 2 years ago, when Basuki Tjahaja Purnama (Ahok) was just thrown into a detention cell for a case of religious blasphemy, he was furious. But, who would have thought that anger could be contemplated into something that brought him material benefits.

Ahok began languishing in the Cipinang Penitentiary on May 9, 2017, right after the verdict was read out by a panel of judges at the North Jakarta District Court. At that time, Ahok was angry with everyone. Even with the circumstances, he also judged.

"My blood pressure once reached 70/50. I was at the lowest point. If I am not strong, I could be crazy or depressed," Ahok said at Tempo Building, Palmerah, South Jakarta, Monday, February 17.

Finally, a colleague visited the former governor of DKI Jakarta. Ahok got advice to accept the situation and live it all. "He said, if you go into detention, don't make it long, try to get to the peak of stress as quickly as possible so that you can quickly return," said Ahok.

He then moved to the Mobile Brigade Command Headquarters and continued his period of detention. Due to limited daily activities in the prison, he tried writing. All the activities he did, including the inner struggles he felt, he poured into writing.

At first, Ahok wrote about five sentences. After getting used to it, the writing that he gets per day can reach one sheet.

"When I was stressed, angry, and disappointed, I wrote. Then I had to find a solution myself," said Ahok. "The writing idea came from 58 books that I read, then stories from visitors who came."

Until finally Ahok got out of prison, all the results of the psychological upheaval that he wrote at the Mobile Brigade Command Headquarters were collected.

Meanwhile, during his time in detention Ahok earned up to Rp. 19 billion in income by selling books about him written by his supporters.

The book that was told by Ahok was entitled Call Me BTP and was only launched today. The book contains about Ahok's psychological journey during his approach to the Mobile Brigade Station for IDR 250 thousand.

"Through this book, people can see all problems from the right perspective. The difficulty of these problems is not to bring us down. Instead, it will push us to our destiny," said Ahok.

"When you see a problem, however, there must be a solution. That's what I wrote while at the Mobile Brigade Command Headquarters," he continued.

Books written by Ahok during his imprisonment (Diah Ayu Wardhany / VOI)

The psychologist said about Ahok's contemplation and religious side

Psychologist from the University of Indonesia, Hamdi Muluk, also contributed an introduction from the perspective of examining Ahok's psychological side in this book.

There is a change in feeling that Hamdi can see from Ahok's diary. Initially, Ahok felt denial, which means being disappointed, angry, and not accepting the situation. Then, he contemplated, negotiated with the circumstances. Until finally, Ahok accepted all the trips he faced.

"His firm character does not want to be driven, it will not change. Well, there are traits that can change because of the environment. He becomes calm and patient. His adaptation patterns, as he said, he often meditates, there is also no point in him shouting all kinds of things. , "explained Hamdi.

Another interesting thing for Hamdi is that when Ahok was labeled a blasphemer of religion in the community, Hamdi did not see Ahok as such. From the diary of Ahok that Hamdi read, it appears that Ahok is a religious person.

"In the general perception with blasphemous attachments to religion, Ahok is considered a person far from being a religious figure. In fact, I read his notes, how come Ahok is completely religious. Every reflection he writes, there is a reference to a Bible verse at the end of the writing," said Hamdi.

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