The Cianjur Regency DPRD asked for a polling place (TPS) when the 2024 General Election was established near shopping centers and factories.
Deputy Chairman of Commission A of the Cianjur DPRD, Isnaeni, said the request was submitted to the Cianjur General Election Commission (KPU) with the intention of increasing voter participation.
"We hope that anyone who has voting rights or voting rights can channel their aspirations on voting day for the 2024 General Election, so that their rights as voters can be accommodated, especially employees in shopping centers in Cianjur," he said in Cianjur, West Java (West Java), Friday, June 9, confiscated by Antara.
Isnaeni said this request also accommodated employees whose workplaces, especially shopping centers, had not canceled their employees on voting day.
For this reason, the Cianjur KPU has created a TPS adjacent to a shopping center or factory where the number of employees is certain to have voting rights.
"At least the company is asked to provide flexibility for its employees to be able to channel their aspirations during voting by rescheduling the entry schedule when it is impossible to be closed," he said.
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This step, he said, can prevent and reduce the number of white groups or golput, so that various residents can play an active role even though they work can still channel their aspirations.
The head of the Cianjur KPU, Selly Nurdinah, said that there were no special regulations governing the creation of TPS facilities in shopping centers or factories, but to increase the number of voters' participation, his party intensified socialization, including factories.
"We intensify the socialization so that voters with employee status or employees who cannot take a vacation can ask for relief from working time to continue to come to polling stations to channel their aspirations, including asking the company through direct socialization," he said.
So far, said Selly, so far the participation rate of employees and employees of shopping centers or factories is still quite high because they have set a schedule according to the permit from where they work in order to channel their aspirations.
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