
JAKARTA - The Election Supervisory Agency (Bawaslu) of Batang Regency, Central Java, found around 449 fictitious voters who were included in the list of temporary voters as a result of improvement (DPSHP) for the 2024 General Election. Bawaslu Chairman Batang Mahbrur said his party found the names of voters who used addresses with zero RT and RW who were suspected of being stealth voters because the address was not clear. "We have asked the KPU and the Population and Civil Registry Office to immediately verify the data on the names suspected of being stealth voters," he said in Batang, Antara, Friday, June 9. In addition to finding 449 voter data who had died but were still on the voter list, he said, his party also found cases of one family but different polling stations (TPS). "Yang masalah itu (kasus satu keluarga dengan TPS berbeda) sudah bisa diselesaikan. Akan tetapi yang menjadi catatan yang agak besar adalah alamat RT RW masih nil-zero," katanya. Mahbrur, who was accompanied by the Coordinator of the Prevention, Community Participation and Public Relations Division of Bawaslu Batang Khikmatun, said that this address problem should be handled at the village level. "Therefore, we ask that there be cooperation between the KPU and Disdukcapil to resolve this issue. Unvalid addresses in the form of zero RT and RW have the potential to be interpreted by many parties as fictitious voters or stealth," he said. Bawaslu Batang has also advised the KPU to be able to trace voters with invalid addresses, whether they exist or not. Because the problem is that in writing the elements are not perfect. This happened because many people had moved to new housing locations, but the area had not yet determined the administrative area of the RT and RW, so when new population documents were needed, the RT and RW address data had not been inputted. "This village apparatus should have determined directly that a certain area is included in which area, so that the Disdukcapil can determine the address," he said. Head of the Population Administration Information Management and Data Utilization of the Population and Civil Registration Office (Disdukcapil) Batang Regency, Cahyo Wiyanto, said that his party would issue population documents based on reporting. When the person concerned did not report the RT/RW address, he said, it was automatically not recorded. "There are several possibilities, among others, the large number of new housing that has not been recorded by RT/RW because most of them have proposed several transfers and if there are residents who have moved to Batang Regency, we just need to withdraw data from certain areas that have been in the form of documents before not including RT/RW," he said.

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