
KUDUS - The government of Kudus Regency, Central Java, requires a budget of around Rp. 1.5 billion for flood management in Mejobo District by making a talud on the banks of the Pendo River that crosses Mejobo Village so that the water does not easily overflow into residential areas.

"From the results of a field review with the Kudus DPRD today, the Pendo River in Mejobo Village, Mejobo District, Kudus, really needs to be made talud so that when the water discharge increases, it is not easy to overflow into residential areas," said Head of the Public Works and Spatial Planning Office of Kudus Regency Arief Budi Siswanto, quoted by ANTARA, Tuesday, June 6.

For this reason, he said, it was agreed that a budget for the construction of the talut would be proposed around Rp. 1.5 billion.

He explained that the budget for the construction of the Pendo River talud will be proposed through the 2023 Revised APBD, while the length of the talud and development on both sides of the river or only one side will certainly adjust the availability of the budget.

"Untuk kepastian ukuran panjang, lebar dan ketinggian taludnya tentu menunggu rencana," ujarnya.

The chairman of the Kudus Masan DPRD added that the construction of the Pendo River talud was urgent because it was to anticipate flooding that had occurred every rainy season.

Apart from the fact that there are no taluts on the right and left sides of the river, he said, at several points along the Pendo River there are also bamboo plants that push into the river, thus disrupting the smooth flow of water when the water discharge increases.

"Local residents have also proposed attention to the local river flow because every rainy season is prone to flooding," he said.

He hopes that when made talud it can reduce the potential for flooding that has often occurred every rainy season.

Moreover, he said, in the local area there are many schools, ranging from public and private schools, so there needs to be efforts so that they can still participate in teaching and learning activities despite the rainy season conditions.

The existence of efforts from the government and the DPRD, he said, must also be supported by the community through concern for the environment by not throwing garbage in the river.

"If the river is free of garbage, of course the river flow will also run smoothly. For that, we invite people to care about throwing garbage in its place, not in the river because it can hinder the flow of water," he said.

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