
JAKARTA - The Governor of the National Resilience Institute (Lemhannas) Andi Widjajanto assessed that the proposal of the Indonesian Defense Minister Prabowo Subianto at the 20th Shangri-La Dialogue forum in Singapore emphasized a peaceful solution to end the war between Russia and Ukraine.

Andi explained that the Indonesian Defense Minister through his proposal was trying to encourage parties in conflict to stop the gun violence that is still happening today.

"Pak Prabowo offers a peaceful proposal for Ukraine which really emphasizes that we should immediately find a solution to stop armed violence and involve the United Nations (Unity of Nations) in seeking immediate peaceful solutions between Russia and Ukraine," said Andi Widjajanto, who also attended the 20th Shangri-La Dialogue.

He added that the proposal submitted by Prabowo also emphasized dialogue, cooperation, and collaboration, all of which prioritized a multilateral approach.

In an event held by the International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS) in Singapore on June 2, 2023, Prabowo also invited delegates, some of whom were defense ministers, to issue attitudes that could reduce tensions, and end wars.

The Defense Minister when he was a panelist in the 20th Shangri-La Dialogue in Singapore, Saturday (3/6) submitted several proposals to end the war between Russia and Ukraine.

"The first thing to do is ask the Ukrainian and Russian sides to implement a ceasefire," Prabowo said as quoted by ANTARA, Monday, June 5.

Next, Prabowo also proposed that troops from the two countries withdraw 15 kilometers from the point of a ceasefire so that they can present a demilitarized region.

Against this demilitarized region, Prabowo then asked the United Nations (UN) to form and place guard forces there.

"Then, the United Nations held a referendum to people living in demilitarized areas," he said.

He conveyed that Indonesia would be the first country to become the peacekeeping force.

Prabowo also proposed the United Nations (UN) to hold a referendum in disputed areas following Russia's invasion of Ukraine since February 2022.

"PBB needs to regulate and implement referendums in disputed areas, to ensure objectively the desire of the majority of the population in these disputed areas," said Prabowo.

Prabowo's proposals had raised questions from some meeting participants. They fear the proposal will serve as justification for Russian aggression.

"I am not telling the right or wrong. Indonesia's position in aggression against Ukraine is clearly against. What I convey is a way out. The UN must take a stand to resolve this war so that it does not drag on and complicate life around the world," Prabowo explained.

According to him, the way of resolving the war by making demilitarization was not the first thing the United Nations had done. Prabowo said the UN had done this in wars in Korea, Vietnam, and Africa.

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