
GORONTALO - Gorontalo Police Chief Inspector General Angesta Romano Yoyol took firm action against illegal mining located in Hulawa Village, Buntulia District, Pohuwato Regency, Gorontalo Province.

The police chief took firm action by installing police lines for 19 excavator units or heavy equipment found operating in the illegal mining area.

"So it is true that the Regional Police Chief checked the Pohuwato area, namely in Hulawa Village, Buntulia District, Pohuwato Regency, because there were several reports coming in, that there were still illegal mining activities in the area," said Gorontalo Police Public Relations Head AKBP Desmont Harjendro as reported by ANTARA, Monday, June 5.

He revealed that in the checking that involved the special team, the Kapolda found several excavators around the illegal gold mining site.

"Now the investigation process is still being handled by the Pohuwato Police. So for heavy equipment, we have checked directly with the Police Chief, there are 19 units that have been outlined by the police," he said.

Regarding the issue of the involvement of unscrupulous police officers in the possession of several heavy equipment, the former Bone Bolango Police Chief and the Gorontalo City Police emphasized that the issue was not necessarily true and that they were conducting a deeper investigation.

"That's just an issue, and we can't respond. Later we will convey it according to the results of the examination carried out by the Pohuwato Police. Even if there is involvement of individuals and anyone, we will definitely convey it," said the Head of Public Relations.

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